How to use content to progress audiences through their buyer journey

by Scott McLean

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Meet Scott McLean - MD @ Everything-Connected

Scott Mclean is the managing director of Everything Connected, a global digital creative agency based out of England that connects brands with their audiences across every channel, creative and digital presence. Now that connection can be used to progress a Buyer forward on their purchasing journey.

Scott has been in content marketing throughout his entire career. He started as a journalist and he went into PR, and an enormous chunk of what he did in PR is content. 

Then he made the complete transition into content marketing. Still, he went into content marketing and what inspired him most was he worked with one of his business partners, a technical marketer. She put in place one of the first decisioning systems in the world at the O2, a substantial mobile operator in the UK. 

Scott and his team are passionate about the need to connect buyers through their buyer journey and that the connection between a buyer and a business is content. There was no focus on all the content that a buyer needs through their entire end-to-end journey, so that was an aha moment for Scott, and it spurred him to move fully into content marketing.

Some content writing and content marketing facts:

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